Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work?

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is about how you think about yourself, the people around you and the world in general and how the things you do affect your thoughts and feelings. The reason people go to cognitive behavior therapy is to change the way they think and what they do. When changes occur, a person feel better.

Cognitive behavior therapy focuses on present your problems rather than concentrating on the problems that cause pain and suffering you in the past. This therapy is about improving one's state of mind in mind.
How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps a person to take the problem can be overcome and broken into small pieces so that people can understand the problem. By solving a big problem into pieces smaller allows people to see how all the parts are connected and how they affect him. Usually the problem is split into small pieces the following:

* Situation
* Thoughts
* Emotions
* Feelings of physical
* Actions

Each of the above mentioned pieces smaller can affect others. How someone views a problem can affect physical and emotional. This can also affect the way people react to the problem. Reactions can help or not help, depending on how you think about the problem.

For example, you walk in the street and someone you know walk past you without looking at you is a situation. Now you can break this situation becomes smaller as mentioned above.

Thoughts: You can think about it a positive or negative. You may think that people who ignore you because he does not like you. Or, you may think that people looked deep within / her mind and now you wonder if everything was fine with people.

Emotional feelings: You feel sad and rejected. Or, you can start to worry about people

Physical: You may get stomach cramps and feel you do not have the energy. Or, you can not physically affect at all.

Action: Go home, moping and then avoid the person entirely. Or, you can contact the person to check is everything okay with him.

As you can see the first part of your reaction in any pieces smaller does not help while the second part is very helpful. Therefore, this means that every situation can lead to two different results depending on how you think about the situation. Then you think has an effect on your feelings and how you react to situations.

If you react negatively or in a way that does not help, it makes you feel worse and it could make you think and feel things that are not good about yourself as you must be a bad person or not friendly, etc.

However, cognitive behavioral therapy helps you to change the way of thinking, feeling and behaving. When you see something in the parts of the whole, you can change the thoughts, feelings and behavior (actions). Therapy allows you to exercise your own unique way to deal with problems and problematic situations.

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