Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Definition of cognitive therapy

Definition of cognitive therapy

Cognitive therapy is a treatment method of psychotherapy that helps a person overcome the problems associated with emotions, behavior and cognition through a methodical and goal-oriented routes.

Many techniques used in cognitive therapy the same basic learning theory and cognitive behavioral psychology.

Many non-clinical issues such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders and substance abuse disorders can be effectively treated with cognitive therapy.

The benefits of this therapy is that no longer wide and can be offered to individuals or in groups. A person can also change the techniques used in therapy as a means of self-help. Some concentrate on the cognitive therapy to help while others concentrate on behavioral problems.

Cognitive therapy is being used more and more to assist criminals in an effort to reduce criminal behavior. Many prisons and jails in many countries have a cognitive therapy program as part of prison rehabilitation.

Cognitive-oriented therapy concentrates on the identification and monitoring of thoughts, beliefs, assumptions and behaviors that lead to negative emotions. In addition, patients are taught to identify thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, and dysfunctional behavior and does not help and then replace them with people who are more useful.

Cognitive therapy believe in facing the present and relieve symptoms. This therapy has proven very useful for people who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), bulimia nervosa and clinical depression. In fact, the efficacy of this therapy has been proven many times and often the preferred method of treatment compared to other treatments psychodynamic

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